The bucket incident is responsible for the current condition of the upper hall, upper bathroom and key [17043358] doesn't existstaircase carpets - an event that was truly beyond the "pail".
What happened? Filled the bucket with water in the upstairs bathroom, reached the top of the staircase, the handle snapped in half, the bucket fell to the floor, the side and base cracked open, and the deluge began.
Since there was no chance of the soaked sections ever drying out, the only solution was to remove large chunks of carpet & underlay to prevent water soaking through and reaching the timbers beneath. Less than pretty, but highly effective. Feel free to look under any of the bathroom and hallway rugs.
Why have we not recarpeted? If you plan to redecorate or attend to the lounge ceiling or stone bothy, you'll avoid the worry of your brand new floor coverings being damaged or stained.