The main bedroom & en suite bathroom floors are of timber construction sitting on 2 layers of polyurethane insulation which in turn sit on a concrete slab that has been waterproofed with the high performance liquid damp-proof membrane “Synthaprufe” – making the concrete floor impervious to water & water vapour. The concrete slab floor continues through to the timber store/workshop. We were unsure if the bedroom concrete floor had been damp-proofed. There was no evidence at all of any damp in the floor, but, rather than dig up some concrete to confirm (which may have damaged any existing DPM), it was decided instead to coat the concrete with Synthaprufe. On top of the concrete floor, 2 layers of specialist polyurethane insulation from Sheffield Insulation were laid. The joins in the insulation were taped, with the joins of the two layers staggered. CaberFloor high density, high performance flooring panels were laid on top of this. The result is that the top surface of the wooden floor is approximately 70mm above the concrete floor.

Hall, Lounge & all Upper Level Flooring:
The original floorboards remain in place under all carpeted areas.
Kitchen Floor:
Almost certain the construction of the kitchen floor is exactly the same as the main bedroom, as detailed in paragraph b above. In addition, a layer of combination foam underlay is laid beneath the current laminate flooring.